Shortly after 2:30 PM on April 4th, Montgomery County Company 23 (Bryn Mawr) was dispatched with DelCo Company 15 (Radnor-being added after numerous 911 calls) to 200 South Ithan Avenue between Gramont Lane and Chalous Drive for a fire alarm with multiple callers reporting smoke and fire in the attic. Shortly there after, the crew of Oakmont was dispatched for Engine 38 along with Company 41 (Newton Square), Engine 56 (Manoa), Company 35 (Brookline) to cover at MontCo 25, Company 44 (Springfield) to cover at MontCo 23, Montgomery County Squad 47 (King of Prussia), MontCo 25 (Ardmore), MontCo 21 (Penn Wynne-Overbrook Hills), MontCo 24 (Gladwyne) 313-9 (Narberth Ambulance), Canteen 47 (Feltonville) and Radnor Car 1 (Fire Marshall). Crews quickly went to work in the large mansion (which was reported to already be evacuated) including the crew from Engine 38 which attempted to make entry to the upper floors. As the fire spread further it was decided a defensive exterior attack was necessary and all firefighters were evacuated. Traffic on South Ithan Road was shut down between Conestoga Road and Lancaster Avenue . The crew from Engine 38 then went into service with a blitz line on the B side of the dwelling which had been constructed in 1905. At 7:30 PM the crew was released and returned to serviceby 7:45.
Photo by Dannon Voight along with others