Confirmed Entrapment

Just after midnight on the 29th, A motor vehicle accident with confirmed entrapment occurred bringing  Company 38, Ambulance 347, 347A and 567, Medic 108, Medic 313 .  With Medics on location requesting to expedite, Squad 38 arrived on scene and quickly went into service, stabilizing the car and then removing a door and center frame of the car.It took just over 20 minutes to remove the first patient due to the condition of the car, the patient was then quickly airlifted by  PennSTAR to The University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia.  Unfortunately the second patient had succumbed to his injuries and pronounced dead at the scene.  The fire company remained at the scene to assist in lighting and clean up for the police investigation.  Other units on scene included Rescue 38, Engine 38, Utility 34, HTPD, RTPD,LMPD.
Pictures will be loaded at a later date.

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