Members receive awards for college

On Monday, August 24th three members were selected by the Main Line Chamber of Commerce to receive financial awards towards their education. The members: Christopher Smith, Kevin Sweeney and Domenic J. Marino each were the recipients of $1,000.00. Congratulations to the members and a huge thank you to the Chamber of Commerce for the their continuing assistance in recruitment and retention of new volunteers!

FF Chris Smith and Matt Donahue, The Addis Group

FF Chris Smith and Matt Donahue, The Addis Group

FF Domenic Marino and Matt Donahue, The Addis Group

FF Domenic Marino and Matt Donahue, The Addis Group

FF Kevin Sweeney and Matt Donahue, The Addis Group

FF Kevin Sweeney and Matt Donahue, The Addis Group

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