At close to 9:30 AM Union Fire Association was called to 545 Grey Stone Rd. in the Merion Station neighborhood of Bala Cynwood, Lower Merion Township for a working fire. MontCo. 34-2 (Lower Merion Deputy Fire Marshall 2) arrived on scene to report heavy smoke from the rear of a single family dwelling. MontCo. 28 (Union) then placed multiple handlines into service with heavy fire in the rear. Four alarms were struck for manpower and multiple RIT teams, with Squad 38 (Oakmont) being requested at roughly 11:15 for a cover assignment at MontCo. station 28, to respond on any additional calls. Units on scene included MontCo. stations 21 (Penn Wynne), 22 (Belmont Hills) 23 (Bryn Mawr), 24 (Gladwyne), 25 (Ardmore-Merion), 26 (Narberth), 34-1 (Lower Merion Deputy Fire Marshall 1), Lower Merion 5 (Fire Marshall) and DelCo. 34 (Llanerch). Additional cover assignments were dispatched for MontCo. 35 (Conshohocken), 39 (George Clay), and DelCo 15 (Radnor). The rest of Oakmont was left in service at station 38 with the Squad out roughly 2 hours and 15 minutes. No injuries were reported in the fire which is believed to have started in the basement.