Memorial Day 2020

Today we pause to remember the sacrifices made by all those who have given their lives in service to this country, and those who are on the front lines today. This Memorial Day is a little different, as we are not able to meet in person for our traditional ceremony at the firehouse. Over the years, the Oakmont Fire Company has lost five members, both in war, and in the line of duty. They are:
Hoseman George T Watts
Hoseman William J Shader Jr Hoseman William L Nunan
Captain Martin J Basile
Chief Ernest F Heimberger
Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice for us. We can never repay that debt.
Also, since last Memorial Day, the following members have passed away. They are gone but will never be forgotten:
Life Member Ronald O’Connor
Dr William S Myers
President John J Stretch
Safety Officer Richard Reeves

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